Monday, December 9, 2013

O.K. Let me explain-we all know Scott travels with a candle & matches FOR THE BATHROOM! Seems Tom has similar issues-although a little more high tech! "Just A Drop " drop in the toilet bowl immediately prior to deposit :-) Converts ODER to a lovely eucalyptus scent !! Everyone wins!! Stocking stuffers all around!!

Monday-day 3: Scott walked the beach at sunrise...he may not come home with me! Especially since he discovered you can sleep on the beach!

dinner! ...from the kina'dle truck! yum-coconut shrimp, calamari & ahi (so good!) traditional sides are white rice & macaroni salad! this truck is between our condo & the beach...wink-wink! the boys may wonder why i am not hungry at mealtime!

5:46 sunset...with scott & tom's work friends

you know I have been drinking when I pose for a picture!

oh man! did we ever drink margaritas! the cups were kinda like 'big gulp' size